Welcome to your all inclusive EdTPA portfolio!
This all encompassing EdTPA portfolio shows you all of my content from Tasks 1-3. My edTPA was submitted in March 2016 and I received a passing score of 56 out of 75!! I received the highest passing score in my Master's of Education program cohort. With this portfolio, all of your fears will be washed away. No more stressing about EdTPA - you will have an all access pass to a completed portfolio ready for you to reference throughout the whole process.
This purchase includes the complete Task for the Elementary Mathematics edTPA:
Task 1- Part A: Context for Learning
Task 1- Part B: Lesson Plans for Learning Segment
Task 1- Part C: Instructional Materials
Task 1- Part D: Assessment Materials
Task 1- Part E: Planning Commentary
Task 2 Part B: Instruction Commentary
Task 3- Assessment Commentary
Task 3- Student Work Samples
Task 3- Evidence of Feedback
Task 3 - Evaluation Criteria
Official Scoring Rubric
*All edTPA language and logos have been removed for copyright purposes, but all commentary content is clearly labeled and easy to follow along with.