Course Description
Ever feel like your teacher training didn’t prepare you for the real world experience of being an educator? Yeah, me too! Whether you are a beginning teacher or have years of experience, we all know that our best resource is our fellow teachers.
In this course, we will explore how to plan your instructional year. From outlining a yearly scope and sequence, to breaking down how to manage your time during the teaching day, this course will give you practical examples and insights into strategies to execute the best instructional year ever!
A Fellow Educator
I have over 15 years experience in education. I have worked in both public and charter schools, city and suburban districts, in well resourced and Title 1 schools. I build my courses as an opportunity to touch on concepts that are not discussed in traditional teacher training, and yet are critical concepts to teacher success. In an effort to support my fellow teachers, I design courses that are easily consumable, with quick and practical solutions to common hurdles we all face in this field. As an educator, I know how precious our time is so I tend to build easily consumable courses that can be accessed within 30-60 minutes.
This course includes:
6 quality lectures
Resources and guidance using real world, practical examples of how to build your instructional year
At the end of this course you will:
Learn how to build an annual scope and sequence
Capture your teaching week at a glance
Determine how to manage your teaching time daily
Explore how and why to be instructionally flexible
Be a better teacher!