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We start off the first day of school every year with play-doh!  But why use play dough in the classroom? This modeling clay keeps students engaged, allows them to use their hands, implores creativity, and is just plain ol' fun. You can use play dough with early finishers, as a class reward, or simply to help strengthen their hands and fingers for better working on a better pencil grip. 

I could not make an anchor chart without these markers!  They are easy to hold, offer a chisel tip so that you can write both bold and with precision.  The colors don't run or fade easily, and they don't have that toxic smell to them.  Overall, a standard for every classoom!  

Mr. Sketch Markers

Easy access student supplies is a classroom game changer.  Long gone are the days when students are searching high and low for another red crayon.  Students having access to class materials reduces interruption and allows for them to problem solve on their own when it comes to needing, sharing, and replacing supplies.  Enjoy! 

Supply Storage

When I finally decided to get rid of my teacher desk, I had no idea the freedom that would allow me.  Having this rolling, standing desk gives me the flexibility I desire, where I can still project with my wireless document camera from anywhere in my room, and can be mobile with all my supplies in one place.  Gotta have it!

Standing Desk

One way to display books for your units is by placing floating shelves underneath your whiteboard.  Use those shelves to display books that are related to the units that you are currently teaching for easy access for both you and your students to read and explore.

Hanging Book Shelves

The amount of times that I have used this step stool cannot be quantified.  The amount of times people at school have borrowed this step stool cannot be determined either - it's just too many!  You will be shocked how many times you find yourself needing a step stool, and getting a sturdy, quality stool is absolutely worth the money.

3 Tier Step Stool


I have had classrooms with floor to ceiling windows that look onto a beautiful park, and I have had classrooms without any windows that look outside at all.  Having known the latter, needing a window to bring some peace and serenity to the learning space is key. I love these faux windows - I use them in my classroom library space and they make all the difference. 

This magnetic paper towel rack beats those brown thin paper towel rolls any day of the week.  You can use the shelves for storage, book display, or whatever else you can think of.  I have yet to regret making this purchase. 

Magnetic Paper Towel Holder

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